Monday, February 23, 2015

Simple Formative Assessment Tool: Your Cell Phone Camera

Would you like to instantly gather data about how your students are doing on a particular subject? Do you want to find a method where students won't have to open their Chromebooks, or don't have Chromebooks? I've got just the tool for you!

Plickers is a new app/website that allows you to instantly collect data about how your students are doing. Simply give a multiple choice question, have the students orient their cards to their desired answer and have them show them to you. Use your phone, tablet, etc. to take a picture of the class holding up their cards and viola, you will now have instant results. You'll be able to not only see how the class did as a whole, but individual student answers as well.

The set-up for Plickers is quick and easy (around 30 minutes). If you are interested in using this tool, I'd love to help! Just let me know if you're interested and I can help you get started. If you're more of a self directed kind of person, just click on one of the links below. Have a great day!

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